Optimizing The Development Of Teaching Materials Through The Application Of Innovative Learning Models To Improve Competency-Based Learning


  • Rahmad Wahyugi Institut Agama Islam Hidayatullah Batam Author
  • isropil siregar Institut Agama Islam Hidayatullah Batam Co Author


Teaching Material Development, nnovative Learning Model, Competency-Based Learning, Digital Era


The development of effective teaching materials is a key factor in supporting the success of competency-based learning processes. In today's digital era, educators are required to develop teaching materials that are not only informative but also innovative and responsive to the diverse needs of students. The Innovative Learning Model (ILM) offers a creative approach that allows teaching materials to be designed more contextually, attractively, and encourages active student engagement in the learning process. This study aims to examine the concept of ILM-based teaching material development and its implementation in improving the quality of competency-based learning. Through literature review, it was found that the application of ILM in teaching material development can accommodate various student learning styles, promote active learning, and enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. This study also identifies challenges in developing ILM-based teaching materials, such as limited technological literacy among educators and resource constraints, but these can be overcome through continuous training and the use of open digital platforms. With optimal implementation of ILM, teaching material development can be more effective in supporting students' competency achievement at various educational levels.


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How to Cite

Optimizing The Development Of Teaching Materials Through The Application Of Innovative Learning Models To Improve Competency-Based Learning. (2025). Kiswah Jurnal Of Islamic Studies And Education, 1(1), 56-68. https://kjisejournal.com/index.php/kjise/article/view/7

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