Copyright And License

KJISE: Kiswah Journal of Islamic Studies and Education is committed to upholding ethical publishing practices and ensuring that authors retain control over their work while promoting open-access knowledge dissemination.

1. Copyright Policy

  • Authors retain full copyright of their published work in KJISE.
  • Upon submission, authors grant KJISE the non-exclusive right to publish, distribute, and archive their articles.
  • Authors can freely:
    • Share and distribute their work.
    • Deposit their article in institutional repositories or personal websites.
    • Use their work for educational, research, or professional purposes.

2. Licensing Policy

All articles published in KJISE are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license.

???? CC BY 4.0 License

Under this license, users are free to:
Share – Copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
Adapt – Remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

With the following conditions:
???? Attribution – Proper credit must be given to the original author and source.
???? No Additional Restrictions – No legal terms or technological barriers should prevent others from using the work under the license terms.

3. Author Rights and Responsibilities

  • Authors retain moral rights over their work and must ensure that:
    • The submission is original and free from plagiarism.
    • The work does not infringe copyright laws or violate ethical guidelines.
    • Proper acknowledgment is given for sources and references.
  • If an author republishes their article in another format (e.g., book or conference proceedings), they must cite the original publication in KJISE.

4. Editorial and Publisher Rights

  • KJISE reserves the right to edit, format, and disseminate the article while maintaining its scholarly integrity.
  • The journal ensures long-term preservation of published content through LOCKSS and CLOCKSS archival systems.

5. Copyright Violation and Retraction

  • If copyright infringement or ethical violations are detected, KJISE may:
    • Issue a correction or retraction of the article.
    • Notify relevant academic institutions or organizations.
    • Take legal action if necessary.