

Qur’an Memorization, Children with Special Needs, Effective Strategies, Inclusive Education, Disability Boarding School


Memorizing the Qur’an is a noble act in Islam, offering numerous spiritual and cognitive benefits. However, for children with special needs (CWSN), the process requires specific strategies tailored to their individual abilities. This study aims to analyze the effective strategies used at Ibnu Ismail Disability Boarding School, Batam, in facilitating Qur’an memorization for CWSN. The research employs a qualitative approach through literature review, observations, and semi-structured interviews with educators. The findings indicate that multisensory learning, the talaqqi and tikrar methods, and the integration of audio-visual technology significantly enhance memorization retention among CWSN. Additionally, the role of well-trained teachers, a supportive learning environment, and active parental involvement contribute to the success of the memorization process. 
Despite challenges such as individual learning variations and limited resources, tailored strategies help CWSN overcome obstacles in their Qur’anic studies. This research highlights the importance of adaptive teaching methods to ensure inclusivity in religious education, allowing CWSN to memorize the Qur’an effectively according to their potential. 


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How to Cite

EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR MEMORIZING THE QUR’AN FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS AT IBNU ISMAIL DISABILITY BOARDING SCHOOL BATAM. (2025). Kiswah Jurnal Of Islamic Studies And Education, 1(1), 27-34. https://kjisejournal.com/index.php/kjise/article/view/4

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