Tahlilan And Yasinan In The Framework Of Islamic Law: The Perspective Of 'Urf As A Justification For Local Traditions
Tahlilan, Yasinan, ‘Urf Law, Local TraditionAbstract
This article examines the practices of Tahlilan and Yasinan from the perspective of Islamic law, focusing on the concept of 'urf as a justification for local traditions. Tahlilan and Yasinan are religious traditions commonly found in Indonesia, particularly within the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) community. These practices involve the recitation of Surah Yasin and other prayers as a form of respect for the deceased. In Islamic law, 'urf, or societal customs, can serve as a basis for legal rulings, provided they do not conflict with fundamental principles of Sharia. Through literature analysis and juridical approach, this article explores how 'urf is recognized as a legitimate legal basis for the practices of Tahlilan and Yasinan within the community. The study reveals that these practices, despite frequent criticism, can be accepted within the framework of Islamic law as they meet the conditions for 'urf recognized by Sharia.
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